Hunger Games Readathon TBR | Book Dragon Dreams


Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today I’ll be sharing with you my TBR for the Hunger Games readathon hosted by Sabi from @Sabisyasread on Instagram. 

District One:

2. "Luxury": A book that was made into a movie

- Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wayne Jones

District Three:

1. "Technology": Listen to an Audiobook or read an ebook

- Burn for Me-Ilona Andrews

District five:

1. "Power": Read a book by author of color

- The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco

District 8

2. "Textiles": A book with a beautiful cover

- Sapphire Flames - Ilona Andrews

District Nine

1. "Fresh Crops" A book Published this year

- Emerald Blaze - Ilona Andrews

District 10

1' 'Live stock": A book including animals or mythical creature

- Wildfire by Ilona Andrews

2. "Breeder": Read a sequel

- White Hot-Ilona Andrews

District 11

1. "Rue" A short story. Novella, or short story collection

- Diamond fire - Ilona Andrews

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I've got some art prints and some floral stickers!
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