Bookish Update

On Bookstagram I’ve done really well through out the end of May and first two weeks of June to
sticking to the schedule for my instagram. I decided I’m posting twice a week on, Wednesdays and Sundays for now. I’m hoping to keep this up and possibly add in another day to post.

I’m so far behind on my Goodreads! But hopefully I can sit down one day soon and get caught up.

I’m hoping to start posting on the blog at least once a week. I’m not sure what all I’m going to post but I’d like to do one review a month.

Plans for July as I wrote last week I am participating in the O. W. Ls readathon. So I’m gonna be pretty busy with that but I’m honestly looking forward to the challenge

I will also be participating in the Summer Biannual Bibliothon July 14th - 20th I will post my TBR as soon as they post the reading challenges.

In August it's N. E. W. Ts time!!

Durning September I plan on reading through the Harry Potter series. I like to reread the series around this time because it’s when they go back to school. Last year I only made it to book for and I only read like four chapter of it. So I’m hoping to do better this year.

Recently read:

Currently reading: The Necromancer by Micheal Scott

Future Reading: My O. W. Ls TBR
