
Ahh. Okay where to begin! Well a little introduction I guess would help. Hello my name is Rebekah although I mostly go by Becka these days to the point that sometimes I forget my full name is Rebekah. I'm 26, and I have dreams of being a Dragon Pirate one day but if that fails then I guess being a librarian would be pretty cool too. I love to read, write, and paint. I also like hockey and baseball so I might comment on those from time to time. 

Honestly I have no idea what I'm even doing but I plan to have fun making it up as I go along. I'm bound to make some mistakes along the way but hopefully I can learn form them and make this blog the best it can be. This probably wont be the best run ship out there in the ocean of blogs but I plan to run it to the best of my ability. 

Since I have read many books before I made this blog Im going to try and find a balance of reviewing those books as well as any I shall read in the future so things might be a bit discombobulated.

So come one in, if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a comment below.

Below I am going to share my social media links feel free to give me a follow on whatever platform you prefer but I am most active on Instagram!
